easy ways to eat more mindfully 🍅🍇🥕

Hello Reader,

Do you sometimes find yourself standing at the kitchen counter with your hand in a bag of chips and you wonder how you got there?🍫

Maybe you reach for the chocolate chips in the freezer in the middle of a stressful day.🍿

Perhaps you are "good" all day only to find yourself vegging out in front of the TV at night with huge bowls of popcorn and ice cream.

Use these 20 mindful eating strategies to bring peace and awareness to your eating habits.

What is mindful eating and how will it help you?

Mindful eating is a conscious effort to slow down and pay attention to your food and body while eating.

Mindful eating can help with weight loss and is also important for tuning in to learning your body’s signals. This approach increases your awareness of how you choose the foods and amounts of foods you eat.

Use these strategies to eat in a more mindful way and reach your weight loss goals.



P.S. Don't miss out on this free resource to lose weight by eating in a more gentle, peaceful way.

Hi! I'm Sara!

I love helping women with faith & weight loss. Read my 100+ pound weight loss story. Get tips and healthy recipes that have reached millions, or join a free weight loss challenge. (40,000+ women have participated to date!) I help people just like you to lose weight, grow in faith, and be all God designed you to be.

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